
(Salvia officinalis)

The plant’s name itself is witness of the virtues that the ancient Romans recognised to them: in fact in latin the word sage has the same root of the verb “to save” and of the word “salus” (salvation, but also health).

At the time of the Romans the sage had to be picked up with a particular ritual, without using iron objects, with white tunic and with barefoot and well washed feet. At the time of the Gauls it was considered capable to heal all the deseases. The Druids used the sage against fevers, cough, paralysis, epilepsies and to help the conception and the childbirth too. The Druids attributed to the sage even the power to revive the dead men and they added the sage to the Idromele and to the Cervogia (beer) in order to be able to prophesy and giving force to their spells.

Between the main effects, the sage has antiseptic effectiveness and it is digestive and calming. Moreover it is antisore, balsamic, expectorating and it is called natural oestrogen. The sage is recommended against gum diseases, cavities, abscesses, and throats diseases.

 In cookery the leaves of the sage are used fresh or dried to season the first courses, meat, fish, flat bread and salted cakes. The smoke of the sage eliminate the smells of the kitchen and of the animals.

Our prepared mixture that contain it : Dressing for pasta, Roast dressing, Potatoes dressing, Fish dressing.

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